Friday, 27 January 2012

Bought this week 

If you have children at school you will understand the frustration we have with water bottles!! 

 Firstly it's a race against time whether they will get dropped and broken, lost or my personal favourite when you can't clean the Suckey spout bit and it starts to grow mould inside.
 I learnt quickly in my child's first year in reception class not to buy this variety and only get the ones you have to pour out, In the hope this would last the whole year . Well we are in to term 3 and I have one down so again my search to find a water bottle starts !! 

To my joy I came across these fab ones from
 American apparel and they were in the sale ...perfect ! The only thing is they are the suck tip ones but in my defence its got a water filter built in .
 Water bobble - Ruby chose magenta was £10 now £5 

Water bobble - Sonny chose the red £5 

And I thought, well I might get one for me, down the gym !!

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